Friday, August 20, 2010

Making a Change

Hello to all =)  If you are reading this then you are probably interested in having me take pictures, or at least looking at my pictures in some capacity....I have an update. I have thought long and hard about this for several weeks and finally today felt like I had a peace about my here it is...

I am no longer going to be taking family pictures. It's nothing really earth shattering or huge, but it was a big decision and step for me to make.  Ok, now, let me say this...I MAY occasionally still do family stuff for my close friends or actual family...since that IS how all this got started anyways, but in general, I will not be taking "new clients" for family portrait sessions.

The reason - I just felt like I needed to decide what I am really passionate about when it comes to photography. This isn't my real job, so I can definitely pick and choose what I want to do, and honestly, I am just not passionate about family pictures anymore.  There are other aspects of photography that I just absolutely LOVE and want to pursue further and get better at, and in order to do that, there has to be a sacrifice somewhere.  So for all my friends who are so wonderful about recommending me for photos, you can still proceed to do so, but just not for family sessions =)  I have TONS of talented photographer if you ever need someone, you can still feel free to ask me and I will see what I can do about hooking you up with someone to do family sessions!

Now, for anyone reading this who currently already HAS a family session scheduled with me, don't worry, I am not backing out on you =)  Starting in October I will not be taking any "new" clients.  For friends (and most of you will know who you are) for whom I usually do fall photos, I think we will still be able to work something out...because, afterall, it is Photos For my Friends photography =)  So, for anyone else, please do NOT take this personal!

Also, Anthony and I are not shooting weddings anymore either (unless it is for some of our close close friends for when they one day decide to take the plunge!) Most of you probably already know this, but just throwing it out for anyone else!  I am still doing engagement sessions, because I truly enjoy them, so should you hire a photographer that doesn't include an E-session, then I can help you out with those!

You will also notice that I basically NEVER update this blog(although I did change a few things, including music tonight!)...mostly due to a lack of time...perhaps once winter rolls around I can get around to it...but THIS is the only "website" that I have.  I get lots of messages from people asking where our website went, well, we got rid of it =) I have this blog, and facebook, and that is basically all I need at this time!

Ok, I think that's about it. Have a super blessed weekend everyone!!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow, that is a change! I'm excited for you and what you will put your artistic abilities to in the future. I'm blessed that you guys took pictures of us and I get to see them hanging in our home everyday....I'm thankful! I love the music.... Sufjan is one of my favorites and we are going to see him next month, can't wait. I love the first song it's such a worship song.