Monday, February 8, 2010

"Spread the Word, Spread the LOVE" - take 50 seconds to VOTE for your favorite, and we donate $.50 to love146!!

THANK YOU FOR TAKING THE TIME TO HELP A CAUSE VERY DEAR TO MY HEART!!!  I sincerely hope you enjoy the cards, as I know had a wonderful time making them!!  Happy Valentines Day to everyone =)

**sorry about the small size of the images, I had to format them that way so that you could see the whole card, you can click on the small version to enlarge it, and you should probably do that so that you can read all of the quotes! **
















**Artist/Author credits**
two - lyrics by Mat Kearney from the song "In the Middle"
three - lyrics by Mat Kearney from the song "Here we Go"
four - lyrics by Ingrid Michaelson from the song "Corner of your Heart"
five - quote from Kevin Arnold of the Wonder Years.
six - quote by Janos Arnay
seven - quote by Peyton Sawyer from the show One Tree Hill.
eight - lyrics by Snow Patrol from the song "Chasing Cars"
nine - verse from 1 Corinthians 13:7 -the Bible
ten - lyrics from Boys like Girls from the song "Two is Better than One"
eleven - lyrics by Mat Kearney from the song "New York to California"
twelve - lyrics by Mat Kearney from the song "In the Middle"
thirteen - lyrics by Jewel from the song "Fragile Heart"
fourteen - lyrics by Sarah Maclachlan from the song "Ice Cream"
fifteen - based on the verse Psalms 17:8 from the Bible
**all photos taken by Holly L. Reynolds are are property of PFMF Photography blog.**

REMEMBER - you may vote ONCE for your favorite card. You can post a comment on here, or on my facebook album/link.  If you leave an ANONYMOUS comment on my blog, please make sure to obviously include your NAME & email with your vote, so I know who you are!  Also, if you use facebook you MUST leave a comment, do not use the LIKE THIS option... thank you!!!




Nate and Jenny Hoover said...

Holly - love this :) Read about it on Lauren's Knowing Norrah site (love your gal's friendship to one another!!!).... Okay, the vote is harder than I thought, but I'm going for #12. Super awesome that you're doing this and I'm praying you get MORE than 146!
Jenny Hoover

Anonymous said...

Wait a second - that didn't work! Sorry. My vote is for #12. I didn't realize I was logged in - sorry. And I'm mentioning Knowing Norrah. You can delete my original logged in comment. :)
Jenny Hoover

Lauren said...

It's Lu. I am mentioning Knowing Norrah - hee hee. And, I vote for number 7!!!

Anonymous said...

Yah!! The pics are FINALLY up!!
LOVED them all!! But I'm going with #7.
Oh~and I found your site through "Knowing Norrah" ;-)
Love ya!

The Hulocks said...

First, you girls are AWESOME! Derrick and I watched a lot of the videos on Lauren's blog this weekend and our hearts just broke. We ended up both deciding to buy t-shirts for each other for valentines day without even discussing it. Thanks for having a heart for what the Lord has a heart for!! Love you girls!!

Of course I picked the same one as Lauren without even looking at what she picked - #7. Also, I will mention Knowing Norrah!! :)

Anonymous said...

Love the photos!!! They are all good! But I like #10 the best! Soo cute! Thanks for donating to made me check out the site and i remember watching the movie Taken too, and what a shock it was! Thanks again and God Bless!
Kate VanDerPloog

Anonymous said...

Learned about this contest after reading "Knowing Norrah." My vote is for #15! Love the lighting of the apples and the simple message. You are doing a wonderful thing.


The Girls said...

Holly, my vote is for #7. Thank you for opening our eyes to this horrific industry and encouraging others to help take action, as well as yourself.

Lauren said...

So fun Holly! Ok, I am voting for #14. Dan is looking over my shoulder and is voting for #5. :) Such a great idea!

Anonymous said...

My vote is #14. Love the song and what's better then ice cream?

Great job Holly! You have a wonderful heart!



Anonymous said...

Holly~ This is a great idea for a great cause! I love all of the shots, but my vote is for #7.
Jess Zeamer

nicola herring said...

im voting for #7!!!!!!!!! Love this Holly!

Hannah said...

Saw about this on Knowing Norrah's site. I think it is awesome that you are doing this. I vote for #7!!

Just and Kel said...

I like the ice cream cones card!

Anonymous said...

I vote # 7

Debbie 'Pearce' Hollinger

4p-mom said...

I love this contest :o) Read about it on Knowing Norrah! Voting for #3. Hard to choose though, they were all adorable!

~marci said...

My fave is #15~ great idea for getting people to be actively involved and aware of what love146 ministry is about. Blessings

Anonymous said...

really beautiful photos. I vote for #2.

Kristina Foley

Heidi Weaver said...

i vote for #2!

Kristen said...

I'm voting for #7. They are all beautiful! Very creative!

amber said...

love them all~ but #3 gets my vote!

Tessy said...

I like #7 the best.

The Lums said...

Mentioning Knowing Norrah- So hard to pick but #9! Great idea and they were all beautiful! - Kelley Lum

Jen Lints said...

Love this idea Holly. I love number #9.

Anonymous said...

number three!!!!!
hi holls i love you! oh and im mentioning knowing norrah..i havent been there yet today, but im hoping me mentioning this involves some sort of awesome million dollar prize from my friend lu! ha. ok lu im going to look at yours right now.
love you girls. great job holls
carrie martin

Anonymous said...

It was hard to pick my favorite....but I choose #12
I didn't read the rules but I think I WON!!!!

Katie said...

My favorite is number three. :)

Mr. and Mrs. B said...

Love this Holly, just love it :)
I'll be posting a link on my blog later, and I'm mentioning 'Knowing Norrah' :)
And #7 stole my heart!!


Jonnaysa Kirkham said...

Awesome, these are all beautiful! 6 is my favorite!

Lily Dawn said...

Love it! Great pics~ I came over from knowing norrah~

I am going to vote for #15... that verse holds special meaning to me =)

Good Luck getting to 146!

Lily =)

Hadassah Edith said...

Holly, this is great! thank you for doing this... Maybe we can chat sometime because i also felt burdened over a year ago for this after i came upon love146's website. I know the Lord has called me to be involved somehow, so now I'm just praying and such, and waiting for His direction. So thank you again:) I vote #3!

RaD said...

Hi! I popped by from "Knowing Norrah" to vote on one of your cards. I think I like #7 the best.

Kellie Davenport said...

WOW holly i really do like so many of them. Im going to go with #3. I know it was the little preview but i really do like it. SO fun. oh yea and im mentioning knowing norrah. :) such an awesome idea and how fun!!!

Kellie Davenport said...

WOW holly i really do like so many of them. Im going to go with #3. I know it was the little preview but i really do like it. SO fun. oh yea and im mentioning knowing norrah. :) such an awesome idea and how fun!!!

Laurie Hunter said...

I read about this through Knowing Norrah. All of the cards are great, but my vote is for #3. :^)

Kevin Dennstaedt said...

Im going for #2 the candy lover that I am. Found you through knowingnorrah and am inspired by you girls!
Joanna Dennstaedt

Anonymous said...

it's Derrick... I like number 12. And I am a huge fan of knowing norrah!

Anonymous said...

Camden also wanted to vote and he picked #15. I was surprise he didnt pick the ice cream picture. Also if he could read or talk clearly he would mention knowing norrah!

~HollyLynnReynolds~ said...

THIS IS ANTHONY (if you can't figure out by my post) Hey there my amazing wife , I know my vote doesn't really count to win anything but it does for the $$total$$ amount being donated to LOVE 146. So I vote for picture # 6 because of the composition of the photo, along with the color saturation or lack thereof. Also just wanted to mention KNOWING NORRAH and thank you Lu for partnering with us and our passion for justice in an unjust world. LOVING the UNLOVELY who do not know LOVE, the best way I know how.

Jessica Jackson said...

My vote is for #3. I love the simplicity...


Jenn said...

What a wonderful idea....

I love #7!

I found you from Lauren's Knowing Norrah.

Anonymous said...

This is Meghan:) I vote #10! They really are all awesome! You are so creative and amazing Holly!

Julie said...

hi holly! not only are you an amazing photographer...but you have a sweet heart.
which brings me to #2. ( i have always been a sucker for those little candies.) what a heart breaking "cause"! THANKS for doing your part to change the world! XOXOXOXO

Anonymous said...

I love you! I vote for #9 and Tanner's vote is for #2...but I also like the ice cream one...and pretty much all of them...We watched the video on the website and I have actually been to their site is heartbreaking. XOXO mir

Anonymous said...

Jen told me about this!! So awesome! I vote for #3 and I love and KNOW NORRAH as well!! :)
Chanel Neff

Laurie H said...

I love the blog Knowing Norrah and I vote for #3!
Laurie Horanburg

Anonymous said...

I like number 3 the best. Sent by Knowing Norrah by way of MckMama. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for giving to a great cause!! I choose number 3 the best. Great photography!!

~ Marcia Good

careymbender said...

Holly- these are amazing! My vote is for #7. Love it!

careymbender said...
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Anna said...

Love them all, but I have to choose #3 as my fave. I am mentioning Knowing Norrah too! Great cause!!

Anonymous said...

Two is better than one boots picture is my favorite! number 10 i think. although extremely tough. i am Bekah Strangarity's mom. great work. thanks for your donation to help end slavery!

Anonymous said...

They are all so beautiful! My vote is for number 3.

Sarah Bowman

Anonymous said...

Awesome. I checked these out on facebook when you first put them up. They are great.

My vote, drum roll please, #3.

E. Bonds

Anonymous said...

My vote is for #11. photo eccos with themes of songs of love.

oh.. and i'll mention "Knowing Norrah"

Ryan Showalter

Michelle said...

I vote for the ice cream one! #13

Anonymous said...

Hi! i don't know Norrah but i know Ryan Showalter. So my vote is for #9.
This is fun!

Missy said...

Hi Holly,
I heard of your site from a dear friend, and I vote for number 3!
-Melissa Brooks

jet said...

Bekah informed me about this project. Great cause! As a musician I say it MUST be number 11.

Anonymous said...

love it guys! this was a hard one...but i think i'm gonna go with #6...and gonna mention Knowing Norrah ;) You guys rock! Blessings!
Christi Krasley

Anonymous said...

I like # 3

Kristy said...

I vote for card # 6. I love them all actually, it was really hard to pick just one. I found your blog from Knowing Norrah. Good luck!

Kristi said...

Holly, you are incredibly talented! This was a hard pick. But I am gonna vote for #6. :)

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
musicgirl said...

I like number eleven, I also got to your site from Norrah. such a great idea.

Michelle said...

I like #2!

And I came over through Knowing Norrah.


Unknown said...

The Reynolds Fam
We pick #7, all the pictures are great though. Hey, we know Nora!

Alexis said...

I like #9... something about Knowing Norrah. :)

Anonymous said...

hi i saw how derrick was so crafty and tricky and commented for his kids...well im going to do one for corey martin. haha
he likes number 3 as well.
and he would love to mention knowing norrah. because he does, in fact, know norrah.

Anonymous said...

My vote is #5 and my daughter votes for #7

Thanks:) Lovely pics...great job:)

God is good:)


Anonymous said...

I like #7 and I'm mentioning knowing Norrah. Blessings as you fight for those with no voice!
~Dorlee Martin

My Organized Life said...

Found out about this from Knowing Norrah and through Danielle (close friend of mine)...GREAT idea! My vote is for #7.

Stashia Nolt

Huong said...

I vote for number three but they're all lovely :)

Anonymous said...

My vote is for #7. Love the idea. You have such great idea's. I hope you get 146. Good luck!! Tonja Rudy

Anonymous said...

I vote for #5. Found your website through Knowing Norrah.

Anonymous said...

Love them all, but voting for #15!! This is for such an awesome cause.

Anonymous said...

I am voting for number 3. I really love this idea!!

Sarah Mellinger

Jessmarie9 said...

Hi Holly,
What a beautiful heart you have. I love all of the cards but the one that I love the most is number 7. Good Luck! Oh, and of course I found out about your contest through Lauren and Knowing Norrah.

BumbersBumblings said...

I was sent here by the Knowing Norrah blog. Number 7 is my favorite, though they are all awesome!!

Anonymous said...

I love number five and Knowing Norah sent me here! Chrissy Rivera

jOEhULOCK said...

Holly My vote is #7. I see that is really popular. But love it. Also think this is a great worthwhile cause. My heart is so torn by the misery this causes. I also want to mention "Knowing Norrah"

Anonymous said...

It's so hard to choose, I LOVE them all!!!

I vote for #5. :-)

Becky Ferrier
beckyjane @ gmail . com

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love them all....but #2 is my favorite! Holly you truely are amazing and gifted person!

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna have to say #5....Your shots are amazing. Keep up the beautiful work. <3

Anonymous said...

Holly, I found out about this through Knowingnorah blog. Great Idea!!! My vote is for number 5. Cant wait to hear about how you go...

Take care, Mel

Anonymous said...

#14 - love that song!

Amy said...

Great idea Holly!!! number seven is my fav!

The Barn Student Ministries said...

Totally like number 11... You have an awesome heart, keep it up!

Jeremiah Dowling

Pam said...

Oooh, I love them all. But my favorite is #6. Found this site from a friend of a friend of Knowing Norrah. Beautiful work for a great cause!

Anonymous said...

Saw the link for your blog on Knowing Norrah's site. Love number 9!

Anonymous said...

These are all adorable! I found your site through "Knowing Norrah" and I vote for number 7! My coffee shop is also doing the cookie sale for love146! Praying you get many more votes today!

Lesley Hurst said...

Hey Holly! LOVE this idea! Kevin and I have been thinking of ways that we can raise money for Haiti as well. GREAT idea!
My vote is for card #3! I would love to give something like this to Kevin....because my heart is his over and over again!
Oh...and I know Norrah!
Lesley Hurst

Anonymous said...

Your photos are beautiful. I am Lauren's Aunt Deb from MI and have seen some of your photos on Knowing Norrah. I loved all of your cards, but my husband's favorite food is ice cream so I vote for card 14.

Good luck with your contest.

Kelli said...

I vote for #9, but I liked so many of them that it was hard. I read Knowing Norrah.

Anonymous said...

Hi Holly. I have admired many of your beautiful photos from my friend, Lauren's blog, Knowing Norrah. I appreciate your williness to support this amazing cause! I vote for #10.
God Bless!
Kelly Rohrer Smith

Anonymous said...

Izzy Hope votes for 14. And she knows Norrah.

And she wants Aunt Holly to know that she wants treats - really, she said that!

Anonymous said...

Norri votes for 15 - and she is a big fan of her blog.

Anonymous said...

Ken votes for 7 and he knows Norm.

Anonymous said...

I read about this on Knowing Norrah. Great idea and a practical way to help.

All of the choices are amazing but I think #7 is my favorite!

Rachel Hannan

Anonymous said...

I love #7 because I love that show (it's my guilty pleasure in life) and it's such a true statement. So happy to support your good cause....heard/read about it from Lauren on Knowing Norrah. Hope you get tons of donations :) Happy Valentine's Day!
Becky Evans

cher789 said...

I am a friend of Jen!
I vote #7....
God bless!